Planning approval was granted unanimously for a Care Home for dementia sufferers in Southbourne.
The proposal is to reuse the existing buildings on the site and extend them where necessary to create suitable accommodation for the Care Home. The two original buildings at the front of the site are to be retained, thus maintaining the prevailing pattern of the development in Seafield Road of large detached dwellings. The existing bungalows to the rear of the site from the extant permission are also retained. Some redesign and modelling has been carried out to the layout of the bungalows to ensure they are suitable for providing a degree of independence to the residents.
The rear extensions are single storey only and will have the appearance of being a later extension. The extension to the left is no wider than the original property and it is unlikely this will be viewed from the street. The extension to the left is slightly wider than the original building and is designed so that it similar to the later garage extensions that are typical of the area.